I was just sitting with a nurse case manager from a major insurance carrier discussing the benefits of Mindfulness Training. All employees, inclusive of claims adjusters, CEO's, union employees, non-union employees, lawyers, doctors, etc. are at risk of health decline due to stress. For many of us, where we spend the most time of the day is in our jobs/careers/professions. The nurse I was with was commenting how there is always a "free floating anxiety" due to the inevitable changes companies and our lives undergo. The one thing that is certain is change.
However, for many of us we expect certain things to go on the same and we lack the skills to handle these changes in an effective manner. We then operate from reactivity and trauma.
I will speak to the side of what an individual may do to empower themselves to be effective managers of stress. We all have different levels of resilience and capacities. However, we all have the capacity to learn Mindfulness Training that can strengthen our resilience and much more.
Through Mindfulness Training we are able effect brain changes as a result of 'neuroplasticity' which essentially is developing new neural circuits in areas of the brain that promote emotional modulation, attention, focus, concentration, learning, anxiety reduction, and self healing.
In order for learning to occur, one must be able to have attention, concentration and focus. No training program will be fully optimized without these factors present.
Both sides of the equation, management and employees are the same, we are human with the same life issues; we get old, we get sick, we die; we want happiness and peace.
I propose that Mindfulness Training be included as a tool in Safety Programs, in addition to post injury and illness for developing the necessary skills to empower one to turn adversity to advantage. It's a win-win.
Maria Perez, RN, BSN, MPH, CCM
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